The health and safety of our employees and customers are the highest priorities for Jelly Belly Candy Company and we are closely monitoring and following recommendations related to coronavirus (COVID-19) from the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and our local health authorities.
Jelly Belly Retail Stores
Jelly Belly Nut Tree Company Store

Located in the Nut Tree Plaza "California's Legendary Road Stop", the Nut Tree store opened August 11, 2007. The store is adjacent to the Nut Tree Plaza near the train and carousel next door to Fenton's Creamery.
The store stocks all Jelly Belly produced bulk and packaged items, and a great selection of Beanware. Of course, we also carry our world famous Belly Flops®, factory seconds that have all the flavor of our original gourmet Jelly Belly jelly beans. Belly Flops® can be purchased online, at our Jelly Belly Visitor Centers or company stores.