Jelly Belly Bean Spring Wreath



  • 10-14" foam wreath
  • Glue gun with glue sticks
  • 3-4 lbs. Jelly Belly jelly beans (4-5 single flavors of your choice)
  • Decorative ribbon (to hang wreath)
  • 3 yards 1-inch white wide ribbon or pastel color
  • 8 to 10 anchor pins


1. For a seamless application, wrap wide ribbon around foam wreath in spiral until foam is completely covered. Use anchor pins to secure ribbon in place.

2. Apply jelly beans to wreath using glue gun.

3. Place jelly beans in rows around the wreath in ring shape. Repeat until wreath is completely covered. Taper rows closer to center of wreath form.

4. Allow to dry.

5. Tie decorative ribbon around the finished wreath and hang for colorful decoration.

© Jelly Belly Candy Company